Whole30 – Day 21: Row row row that boat

Another easy day. Guess what’s for breakfast today? Eggs! But no spinach (every single time I type that word I want to add two n’s!). Nope. I’m finally sick of it. Today I had it with spaghetti squash. And it was…interesting. I’m not sure how or if thyme and eggs go together…but it’s not for my pallet.

For lunch I had tuna…love this stuff and wish I could eat it on the regular. I should type my recipe out. It’s adapted from what my dad used to make, and whenever I tell someone about it they give me that look of uncertainty, bordering on incredulity. Black olives? In tuna?

Anyway, when I got home today, my girlfriend text me right as I parked letting me know she felt a headache coming on and she had left her medicine at home. I offered to drive it to her…but I did have to make tuna for lunch. She had already talked it over with her boss and had the okay to return home to get it if needed. So I went about making the tuna. 30 minutes later she said she’d probably be coming home afterall and that it was coming on. I wish there were something I could do for her migraines, and I really truly hoped Whole30 might do something for them, but it seems not. She’s a sport for going through with it though, I half-feel to show me that she’s tried just about anything she can. (The other half of me knows she wants to feel better, I’ve had hs eating large and food we don’t cook regularly).

When I got home, she was napping out the headache, but did tell me it was going away, thanks to the medicine. So I hoped on the rowing machine and did 3 races against increase CPU challengers. Lost to level 11 once, then defeated it, though much effort on the follow up. Normally I go for 20 minutes or so, but today was 30. And still, still! My watch doesn’t record more than 20 minutes of exercise. Must have went too easy against the level 9 one?

So I grabbed the kettle bell and did some swings for 11 minutes until the bar filled on my watch. Phew that was a serious workout, but I made it! I had the energy and the willpower to do it…and it felt good.

For dinner I planned to make pepper steak, like I used to when I went Keto for a few months. But had to make some changes for Whole30. Luckily we had everything we needed and it turned out well. Cauliflower rice is again a hero. My girlfriend even enjoyed it and she doesn’t really like bell peppers cooked.

Whole30 – Day 20: On Top of Spaghetti, with no need for cheese

I’m tempted to sing the song from childhood, “On top of Spaghetti”, but there’s no cheese to sing about. C’est la vie. Tonight we’re planning on spaghetti and meatballs. I’ll be following a 40apron’s recipe once again. I wish Cheryl Malik lived down the street and we were good enough friends that we could be invited to dinner. I’m just replicating what she says and it knocks it out of the park every. single. time. So, needless to say, I’m looking forward to dinner. Although I’m going with spaghetti squash instead of zucchini zoodles.

Today started as per usual… pack up some eggs and spinach and head off to work to eat them when I’m hungry. I’m actually nuking my eggs in the microwave. A little trick i learned from a Jimmy Dean’s sausage breakfast scramble in a cup from the local 7-11. And it’s still good, although growing a bit long in the tooth.

Lunch today? I genuinely forget. But I know it was on plan, I promise. When I remember I’ll update the post and replace this :x.

Went to the GrossOut again, and grabbed some needed stuff for tonight’s dinner. No almond meal though…. good thing we have that food processor at home. Cooking went without a problem, though it took a bit longer than expected but the end result is positively delightful and incredibly filling. When’s the last time you had just three meatballs with breadcrumbs? Usually I’m ready to eat at least 5… yet another go to recipe for the future. And with the spaghetti squash? fugheddaboudit!

Whole30 – Day 19: Just Say “no” to Ghee Hollandaise

Today I skipped breakfast, but I ate half an RX Bar and some fruit instead. I feel a bit guilty but still on task so I’m not sure why. It had more to do with me getting up late and needing to get to a meeting than anything.

I hoped going through this diet I’d be ready to greet the morning quicker. Back pain would go away. But all I’ve got is more energy in the day.. I’ll take it! Lunch was left over Tuna today, glad i made that. It made today a breeze. And I must make more! Lunch’s have been left overs, which have been great but having something different is better if only because it’s different.

I did a work out on the rowing machine again, and found how to race the computer! This makes things more interesting because now I have an “opponent” to strive against. The kettle bell is getting easier too

Dinner tonight was something my girlfriend wanted to cook: salmon benedict’s. I wasn’t sure how I felt about Hollandaise, and neither was she (primarily for the amount of Ghee the Whole30 book requested). However, I like this yo-yo of our time in the kitchen. It feels shared and loving, & I get some food I don’t normally gravitate toward — just speaking of change it’s nice to eat a protein I don’t tend to cook myself.

And again, I’m in awe of how good the food constantly is. I had a double-yolk egg, which dripped all over the fish and was reminiscent of a yolk on a burger. But I’m happy my girlfriend decided to quarter the recipe for Hollandaise … it was not very good. Taste like ghee and nobody wants to just eat ghee… it needs something to bind to or fry on? Long story short, just say “No” to Hollandaise on Whole30. You’ll appreciate it.

Whole30 – Day 18: Cacciatore? “Not done with it yet”

My girlfriend woke up, ready and raring to make breakfast. There was left-over scramble filling from yesterday, and she wanted to make eggs to go with it and more Chicken Apple Sausage with our Whole30 ketchup (40aprons, that ketchup is amazin’).

I think she was inspired by the tuna salad yesterday, but she’s had her eye on “Protein salad” recipe in the book for a while. I picked up some red grapes yesterday which round it out perfectly, and I’m not one to say no to someone else prepping food. Another excellent meal. Chicken thighs make a great choice and I heartily recommend it.

We were going to use the remaining Cacciatore sauce with salmon tonight but we have some chicken that needs to be used. And as my girlfriend said, “I’m not done with it yet.”, so lets have more! I burned the legs that were already cooked trying to give htem more color :/. The food still tasted good but was tainted a bit. We may be done now.

A weekend of Cacciatore. I’ll never forget you. I didn’t get any workouts in this weekend. I need to do it when I think of it instead of putting it off. I did however get half of the living room blinds clean. I don’t think they’ve been cleaned in a decade…it’s disgusting and time consuming but they look good.

I need to clear the crap on the bed and find their place. But tomorrow… it’s sleepy time now.

Whole30 – Day 17: Kondo, UFC, Cacciatore

Today was a grand day. Cooked up a scramble with remaining hamburger from Monday night’s Shepherds Pie, stumbled but stuck the landing – I forgot salt in the home made sausage. *slap my forehead* It ended up delicious though.

And it fueled me enough to get started on the closet. I spent hours in there folding 3.5 baskets of clothes. It’s obscene how many articles of clothing I have, and ridiculous that I’ve let my girlfriend wash them, but haven’t followed up on 3.5 loads of laundry! I can’t let that happen again. And I need to donate some…

Half-way through, I got hungry… tuna salad sounds nice. Whipped some up with the remaining mayo (40aprons recipe from our In-N-Out night), celery, black olives, pickles, one Serrano pepper (gutted) and Brussels sprouts that were chopped on Monday as well. With a dash of Coconut Amino’s and salt and all of the pepper I could stand. All in a little “taco” shell of Romaine lettuce.

This is the first time I missed wheat bread. It’s a really delicious tuna salad but I don’t think I’ve ever had it without bread. By the end of it though I was fine and in heaven with the flavors. Maybe I convinced myself but I think bread kind of numbs the flavors a bit? Maybe an open-face?

Another couple of hours in the closet and its looking great. Still need to donate half of my clothes but it will work for now. They take a week on Marie Kondo’s show, so I don’t feel bad at all.

My good friend decided to come over after all and will bring her own food she had, she doesn’t yet know the umami delicousness of the Chicken Cacciatore. We have left-over but also need to use our peppers. So I made that again, while UFC 246 was on, waiting for McGregor to get up there.

Finished in the nick of time but I was literally looking at my plate to cut the chicken off of the bone and missed Cowboy going down. Thank god for instant replay. And holy cow that was an amazing way to hit someone. Shoulder checks right in the face during a grapple?

Anyway, my good friend enjoyed her food but the Cacciatore smelled too good for her to avoid and now she wants to make Whole30 with us on our weekly get-together’s. We have a convert!

Whole30 – Day 16: Cacciatore dreamin’

I’m really looking forward to the fresh Chicken Cacciatore tonight. It came highly rated from my sister who lives near, and it’s date night. Things are working out.

I get to go in late on Fridays and a plumber is coming today to fix our leaky bathtub faucet (finally! It’s been leaking since prior to Halloween, and its’ now January. Don’t even get started on this AJ…). So today I made coffee on the stove, fried up an egg, and enjoyed my morning sitting at he kitchen table and waiting for him to finish his work.

Went in to work at nearly 1PM, stayed until 4:30, I should have logged more time today because I did work in the AM on a security issue, but eh, not like I can get unapproved overtime. When I got off of work I went to the Daiso and Half-Priced Books, for storage of our garden in the fridge (we aren’t going to make it through all of that food before it starts to wilt), and for a copy of the Whole30 book. We made it 15 days, it’s I borrowed the book on day 4. It’s time to return the book to my sister who lives near.

Got home, did 20 minutes and +2200 strokes on the rowing machine, 10 minutes on the dot of kettle bells, took a shower. Damn I’m productive! I think I’m finally feeling the energy. It’s not “Tiger Blood”, but I just feel…. less lethargic? More willing to do what I set my mind to? I prepped the food (got it all out) for the Cacciatore, but got lost in Phantasy Star IV again. By the time my girlfriend came home I was ready to get started, after just a few more minutes in the game.

Dinner was a breeze and absolutely delicious. For something that retains its foreign name, I expected more of a challenge. Why haven’t I made this before? I love this diet.

Off to bed with us after watching…something. Forgot what it was already. Tomorrow is Marie Kondo day for our closet and it’s long overdue. I may also be watching UFC 246, my good friend want’s to watch and split the bill with someone….

Whole30 – Day 15: As the chicken thaws

I removed the chicken last night from the freezer and let it sit on the counter for 4 hours before sticking it in the fridge before going to sleep. Should I remove it from the refrigerator before work? Yes. Did I? no. Will I regret it? In hindsight: yes.

Today I had a typical breakfast – Eggs, Spinach, nom.

Lunch was even more left-over shepherds pie. We’ve got food for….ever! The bottom of the fridge is like a garden – we got our food delivery which had a plethora of goodies, but the crown jewel looks to be the Red Kale. I don’t normally take and share photos but I think I must share it before cooking it, later. But we still haven’t gone through the veg we purchased on Sunday. I think we were a bit ambitious and didnt’ comprehend the left-overs that would remain.

Dinner was going to be Chicken Cacciatore, straight out of the Whole30 book I borrowed from my sister who lives near, but the chicken that I regret not taking out of the fridge is still solid as a rock in the center. Good thing we have left-overs.

Soups and stews! It’s all good. And wow, we’re half-way done! I’m being won over by this “diet”.

Whole30 – Day 14: Leftover Wednesday

We’ve been stacking up a lot of leftovers in the refrigerator. At dinner tonight I completely forgot that I had cooked Beef Stew on Saturday! But I’m getting ahead of myself…

For breakfast today, I’m pretty sure that I’m no longer satisfied with eggs and spinach, because I chose to eat the remaining leftovers for breakfast of the Pork Shoulder, Kale, and Butternut squash. Still one of my favorites and I didn’t want it to go to waste.

Work had me up and down all day, and I didn’t mind so something is definitely changing in my tolerance of tasks that require me to move up from my desk. I also read an article about posture, and want to try to sit better. Crossing your desk in a chair is the next best thing to sitting on the ground in a squat. A couple of years ago I was trying to get my squat back, and I lost my way along with my weight. So, this diet is helping me follow through with discipline once again.

For lunch I opted to eat the leftover slice of Shepherd’s Pie that didn’t fit into the large container. It was smaller than a serving I’d normally eat but, I’ll certainly live. And I have seaweed snacks (made with olive oil) to eat if I get hungry. And fruit, glorious fruit. I don’t remember never enjoying fruit so much in life as I do now.

When I got home I was feeling quite energetic – jazzed for the rowing machine techniques I read the previous evening, and I even told myself if I finished 30 minutes on it, and still didn’t have “30 minutes of exercise” recorded on my watch, that I’d do some kettle-bell swings. Lo and behold, the watch told me I needed 7 additional minutes even though I moved on the rowing machine for at least 30 minutes (it was 34 minute workout but I did stop for breath twice – I didn’t let my heart rate go below 128). So I honored my commitment and went ahead with the kettle-bell swings. That exercise is too fun though, honestly. 12 minutes of that, because it got away from me, had me feeling stoked and ready for a cold shower.

No shower is as great as a cold shower after a workout. It’s crazy how cold I can tolerate when my muscles are warmed up.

But I digress. My girlfriend made it home late tonight, since she was picking up a something from her mom’s house after work and hanging out. So I got to play some Sega Genesis, Phantasy Star IV, before she got home and for a moment after. I’m loyal to Sega still so many years later – customer for life. The digression continued…

Still, and again, more left-overs for dinner tonight. Today has been left-over day and I’m not mad at it. I ate a big bowl of beef stew and a regular bowl of coconut lime chicken soup. Feeling quite satisfied with my portions we did the necessary cleaning and while we had planned to watch Game of Thrones, ended up enthralled by the old Dick Tracy series from the 1930’s (better acting than Star Wars Episode 1 in my opinion). I finally see why my dad loved it.

Whole30 – Day 13: Lime in the coconut

Woke up late today and decided I’d eat the other half of the RXBAR with some MCT oil in my coffee for breakfast (calorie wise, this is good, nutrition wise, not so much).

At lunch I ate left-over Pork Shoulder, Kale & Butternut Squash. And work was a breeze. When I got home I decided to exercise on the rowing machine. I’m getting more efficient at this. Instead of 500m, I cut down a whole minute on my 500m. But I read today about form and apparently I’m starting in the incorrect position, and stroking too fast. Will correct tomorrow.

After I finished working out my girlfriend told me she could cook tonight after all. There was a moment when she thought she’d have to stay late and I thought I’d be cooking what she planned or something else. But as planned Coconut Lime Chicken Soup.

If you’ve ever bitten into a lime or had the ptih touch your lips, that’s the undertone this soup that called for 3 whole limes in it. It was a bit lime pith-y. And we can’t put sugar in it to tame it. Oh well, it still tasted very good after the taste-buds adjusted. Perhaps this is what it should taste like? But they usually put sugar in your coconut curry’s?

Nothing especially unusual to report about my mood today or mind. Same as usual. Waiting to feel amazing or something. Pants I couldn’t pull up over my butt a month ago I can now. Is it the diet? Again….maybe.

Whole30 – Day 12: In the swing of things

Today was a no fuss day. I toyed with the idea of skipping breakfast in favor of a RXBAR that’s compliant (Mixed Berry), but chose not to and went with the ol’ eggs n spinach. Work was easy. Things are calmer now with the hassle-man. Nothing remotely exciting to report about today. I feel fine. I haven’t cheated, and everything is going typically.

My girlfriend had planned on making a coconut curry soup from the Whole30 book, but part way through my morning she let me know she had a migraine, and wouldn’t be making it in to work until maybe lunch if it subsided. Unfortunately, it ended up being one of those massive migraines, the type that she can’t get up from except to vomit.

I had plans to repair (replace) my cousin’s old 2012 Macbook Pro screen that was shattered when something heavy landed on the outside of it. But I knew that would take at least 2, if not 3 hours, and with dinner plans out the window, I instead opted to redux the Shepherds Pie. This time however, I used half the mashed potatoes and replaced it with mashed cauliflower.

Once again, great success. That pie was more filling with the cauliflower, which surprised me.

Feeling jazzed about dinner, and with 2.5 hours before bed I went ahead and worked on the laptop. It took me almost 3 to do, but it worked out okay. Tomorrow we eat Coconut Chicken Curry!