Hosting a website with LAMP on Debian 10

Many people have asked me over the years for assistance setting up a website. I’m no expert in hosting one, and until now never took the time to learn. It took my girlfriend asking for help to make me seriously consider assisting instead of pointing to a company that specializes in web hosting. Only time will tell if we made the right decision in self-managing our own domains and servers. At least I will have learned a lot by the end of this journey, whenever that may be.

Since I already had a VPS (Virtual Private Server) that I use daily, and some experience with Linux administration I can thank a previous employer for allowing me to learn with, I was able to extrapolate and iterate on those past experiences. I definitely wanted to tackle it using open-source tools, and it only took a tiny bit of effort to get started thanks to the guides offered by Digital Ocean and Linode.

For Linux, I prefer Debian because I’m familiar with it and it’s one of the most widely known distributions of Linux available. I needed to need to install a set of packages on Linux, called Apache, MySQL (Maria db), and PHP2. This is a guide I wrote afterward, and I hope to be able to follow it to success again in the future.

Alexa, Samuel L. Jackson

Today, Amazon unlocked the celebrity voice option featuring Samuel L. Jackson for their Virtual Assistant Alexa. It’s introduced at $0.99 , but will settle at $4.99 “soon” – I wouldn’t pay $5 for what I’m sure will just be a novelty voice, but I have happily paid $1.

On the off-chance someone stumbles upon this, during it’s introductory fee, and gets a kick out of Sam Jackson’s personality, and has an Alexa device in their home… then I hop this saves someone some cash. (this is a link, because you should shop that way to help a non-profit of your choice)