I’m really looking forward to the fresh Chicken Cacciatore tonight. It came highly rated from my sister who lives near, and it’s date night. Things are working out.
I get to go in late on Fridays and a plumber is coming today to fix our leaky bathtub faucet (finally! It’s been leaking since prior to Halloween, and its’ now January. Don’t even get started on this AJ…). So today I made coffee on the stove, fried up an egg, and enjoyed my morning sitting at he kitchen table and waiting for him to finish his work.
Went in to work at nearly 1PM, stayed until 4:30, I should have logged more time today because I did work in the AM on a security issue, but eh, not like I can get unapproved overtime. When I got off of work I went to the Daiso and Half-Priced Books, for storage of our garden in the fridge (we aren’t going to make it through all of that food before it starts to wilt), and for a copy of the Whole30 book. We made it 15 days, it’s I borrowed the book on day 4. It’s time to return the book to my sister who lives near.
Got home, did 20 minutes and +2200 strokes on the rowing machine, 10 minutes on the dot of kettle bells, took a shower. Damn I’m productive! I think I’m finally feeling the energy. It’s not “Tiger Blood”, but I just feel…. less lethargic? More willing to do what I set my mind to? I prepped the food (got it all out) for the Cacciatore, but got lost in Phantasy Star IV again. By the time my girlfriend came home I was ready to get started, after just a few more minutes in the game.
Dinner was a breeze and absolutely delicious. For something that retains its foreign name, I expected more of a challenge. Why haven’t I made this before? I love this diet.
Off to bed with us after watching…something. Forgot what it was already. Tomorrow is Marie Kondo day for our closet and it’s long overdue. I may also be watching UFC 246, my good friend want’s to watch and split the bill with someone….