Whole30 – Day 14: Leftover Wednesday

We’ve been stacking up a lot of leftovers in the refrigerator. At dinner tonight I completely forgot that I had cooked Beef Stew on Saturday! But I’m getting ahead of myself…

For breakfast today, I’m pretty sure that I’m no longer satisfied with eggs and spinach, because I chose to eat the remaining leftovers for breakfast of the Pork Shoulder, Kale, and Butternut squash. Still one of my favorites and I didn’t want it to go to waste.

Work had me up and down all day, and I didn’t mind so something is definitely changing in my tolerance of tasks that require me to move up from my desk. I also read an article about posture, and want to try to sit better. Crossing your desk in a chair is the next best thing to sitting on the ground in a squat. A couple of years ago I was trying to get my squat back, and I lost my way along with my weight. So, this diet is helping me follow through with discipline once again.

For lunch I opted to eat the leftover slice of Shepherd’s Pie that didn’t fit into the large container. It was smaller than a serving I’d normally eat but, I’ll certainly live. And I have seaweed snacks (made with olive oil) to eat if I get hungry. And fruit, glorious fruit. I don’t remember never enjoying fruit so much in life as I do now.

When I got home I was feeling quite energetic – jazzed for the rowing machine techniques I read the previous evening, and I even told myself if I finished 30 minutes on it, and still didn’t have “30 minutes of exercise” recorded on my watch, that I’d do some kettle-bell swings. Lo and behold, the watch told me I needed 7 additional minutes even though I moved on the rowing machine for at least 30 minutes (it was 34 minute workout but I did stop for breath twice – I didn’t let my heart rate go below 128). So I honored my commitment and went ahead with the kettle-bell swings. That exercise is too fun though, honestly. 12 minutes of that, because it got away from me, had me feeling stoked and ready for a cold shower.

No shower is as great as a cold shower after a workout. It’s crazy how cold I can tolerate when my muscles are warmed up.

But I digress. My girlfriend made it home late tonight, since she was picking up a something from her mom’s house after work and hanging out. So I got to play some Sega Genesis, Phantasy Star IV, before she got home and for a moment after. I’m loyal to Sega still so many years later – customer for life. The digression continued…

Still, and again, more left-overs for dinner tonight. Today has been left-over day and I’m not mad at it. I ate a big bowl of beef stew and a regular bowl of coconut lime chicken soup. Feeling quite satisfied with my portions we did the necessary cleaning and while we had planned to watch Game of Thrones, ended up enthralled by the old Dick Tracy series from the 1930’s (better acting than Star Wars Episode 1 in my opinion). I finally see why my dad loved it.

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